Concentric Winder
[Revised August 2010] I promised some comments on this basic shape---which is more a geometric demonstration than an origami model, but one that still needed inventing, discovering or just someone to "claim it" as their own. By the latter I mean, that I'm pretty sure that all the people who worked on cone-folds over the past half-century---most notably Ron Resch and David Huffman---would have come across this idea themselves, in the course of fiddling to find a cone-fold state that is aesthetically most pleasing to them. But if so, none of these pioneers paused and said "this is sufficiently interesting to put my name to it." For it is a "stupidly simple" idea, maybe too stupid for David Huffman, an engineer who liked things to be simple but to at least seem complex. Yet as you'll see, here and especially later, there are a lot of consequences to this one form, which you don't realize UNLESS you embrace it, stupidity and all. --Take it in an...